Monday, September 13, 2010

Inspiration Video & Text ~ ch.4

   After viewing the Inspiration video, I found the software to offer convenience for many educators. It appear to be simple and manageable for a teacher, and the graphics/images would engage the students. It offers great organization of outline/lecture notes allowing the information to be presented clearly. The Presentation Manager creates the complete package for a lesson plan/topic.  I would certainly use Inspiration to maintain organization of material for English lectures on authors and their works, and possibly writing and grammar lessons. This would clearly take the place of overhead projectors and transparencies, if it hasn't already. 
    The activities in an English classroom that would most effectively use technology would be writing, oral presentations, and research. Students can use the concept mapping or semantic network tool to organize, plan, and analyze their topic for writing. PowerPoint software can be used as a required assignment for an oral presentation on a literary figure or work. Also, use of the Internet can aide students in research and or guidance with poetry, fiction, creative writing, etc. To support peer feedback, students can use technology and the Internet  to assist one another with brainstorming, creating original text, editing, and sharing of research obligations. The software SWoRD suggested in the textbook appears practical for submitting drafts and receiving peer evaluations. Several months ago, I presented a PowerPoint presentation for speech class on the, "History of the Hershey Chocolate Corporation". I knew only of the basic products of candy and syrup before my presentation. Access to the Internet allowed me to research the company's initial start up, growth, and philanthropist work of the founder, Milton Hershey.
    As my knowledge increases on software and tools available to aide in teaching, I am beginning to realize that perhaps the "digital learner" won't be quite so difficult to adjust to. That there is a middle ground for both technology and teaching.
Inspiration Version 9. (2010). Retrieved September 13, 2010, from

Jonassen, D., Howland, J., Marra, R. M., & Crismond, D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. I agree with you Penny. The software is very useful to educators. It is way more advanced than overhead projectors. As a P.E. teacher it will really help me use diagrams and even make my lesson plans. Also, I had to teach hurdles in track and field so I can relate to you when you said you had to do alot of research on the internet. This class is also helping me learn more about technology and while it is alot of information I do think it won't be quite so difficult to adjust to.

  2. I agree with you the program is very good in teaching students to use technology. When using the internet for literary work make sure that plagiarism is talked about and not tolerated. So many times students think teacher don’t pay attention and don’t know the tricks to get around not doing the work. I think I would do more peer work on paper than peer work over the computer.

  3. I really enjoyed your post. You appear to have alot of ideas on how you can make the Inspiration software benefit your needs in the classroom. I also found that the software appeared simple to use and very functional and I believe that this technology would be a great tool to gain interest from the students.

  4. Penny,
    I'm glad you are becoming more comfortable with the electronic world. I'm sure your students will learn quite a bit from you in the coming years. Good luck!
